Hi friends,
Today is another Sunday that I spent my morning listening to dhamma talk and got guided meditation lesson by Ajahn Jayasaro at Pakchong. Last month I was unlucky being on duties the day they had dhamma events here. But this month I have got the luck to return to this peaceful place again.
Like everytime I'm here, at the entrance I could feel the calm and peaceful relaxing feeling. The weather was so nice here also. Pakchong is an area located 400 meters above the sea level and surrounded by wonderful nature, so the temperature is a little bit cooler here and pollution is less.
The topic of dhamma talk today is Sappurisa Dhamma,-- Qualities of a good person
1. Dharmmanutta : knowing the cause.
Knowing the law of cause and effect. Knowing the law of the nature.
2. Atthanutta : knowing the purpose of the thing one is doing. And know the consequence of the practise following the Dhamma that Buddha had found.
3. Attanutta : knowing oneself. Knowing the position, the stage, the level of moral, the goodness in one's mind. And the preference of practising dhamma in some particular ways.
4. Mattanutta : Knowing how to live one's live in moderate way. For example, knowing how to eat, to spending money, to share things to other people in moderate way. Not too much, not too less.
5. Kalanutta : Knowing the time. For example, to do right things at the right times. Knowing how to complete one's work on time and spend the right amount of time for an activity.
6. Parisanutta : Knowing the society, knowing the community one is dealing with. For example, to know how to use the appropriate way to communicate with the group of people you are encountering.
7. Puggalanutta : knowing the indiviuals. Know how to act or react to a person base on his or her characteristics, level of intelligence, level of moral, beliefs,etc.
I may not translate what he taught to English 100% correctly. Ajahn Jayasaro is very talanted in teaching in easy Thai language that we do appreciate it a lot. Fortunately I found his teaching on this topic in English here Please try to listen if you are interested!
Here are some photos I took today
Mai, what a great teaching.. I will have to listen to it several times to begin to asorbe the teaching in my spirit. Thank you for sharing..